M-grid User's Guide

Authors: Olli-Pekka Lehto, Ville Savolainen, Raimo Uusvuori, Arto Teräs
Date: 2005-11-14

Status: Draft. To be replaced by Sepeli/M-grid User's Guide. Changelog at the bottom of the page.

General information has been moved to a separate page.




For serial programs, use following compilation commands (if needed, defaults are using shared libraries instead of static linking and 64-bit mode instead of 32-bit):

Portland Group server suite (PGI) 5.2
C/C++: pgcc
Fortran 77 and 90/95: pgf77, pgf90
Optimization flags: -O3 -fastsse
Static linking: -Bstatic
32-bit code: -tp k8-32 -Wa,--32
For more options, e.g., -Mipa=fast, see man pages, online documentation, or the PGI documentation locally at /opt/pgi/linux86-64/5.2/doc/index.htm.

GNU compilers 3.2.3-34
C/C++: gcc
Fortran 77: g77
Optimization flags: -O3 -funroll-all-loops -msse
Static linking: -static
32-bit code: -m32
For more options, see man pages or online documentation.

CSC and some other sites have locally installed PathScale compilers. Its f90 compiler is probably somewhat more efficient than that of Portland. You may install locally PathScale test license for evaluation. Get 30 day test license.

PathScale Compiler Suite 2.1
C/C++: pathcc, pathCC
Fortran 77, 90 and 95: pathf90
Optimization flags: -O3 -OPT:Ofast
Static linking: -static
32-bit code: -m32
For more options, e.g., -ipa, see man pages or /opt/pathscale/share/doc/pathscale-compilers-2.1/UserGuide.pdf

MPI libraries

Both MPICH (currently version 1.2.6 in M-grid) and LAM/MPI (v. 7.0.6) libraries are installed. Both LAM/MPI and MPICH have had some problems with SGE, leaving sometimes deamons hanging in the nodes after the completion of a batch job. MPICH-2 is also installed and functional, but not tied to SGE. MPICH-1.2 is the officially (by CSC) supported MPI library. (FIXME: status now?)

Before compilation and/or execution of a parallel MPI program, you must initialize the correct environment variables by running one of the init scripts described below. This sets correct paths for mpicc, mpif77, mpif90, mpirun etc.

Init script: 'source /opt/mpich/mpich-pgi64.sh' (64-bit), 'source /opt/mpich/mpich-pgi32.sh' (32-bit)
Paths: /opt/mpich/pgi64/ and /opt/mpich/pgi32/

Init script: 'source /opt/mpich/mpich-gnu64.sh' (64-bit), 'source /opt/mpich/mpich-gnu32.sh' (32-bit)
Paths: /opt/mpich/gnu64/ and /opt/mpich/gnu32/

Init script: 'source /opt/lam/lam-pgi64.sh' (64-bit), 'source /opt/lam/lam-pgi32.sh' (32-bit)
Paths: /opt/lam/pgi64/ and /opt/lam/pgi32/

Init script: 'source /opt/lam/lam-gnu64.sh' (64-bit), 'source /opt/lam/lam-gnu32.sh' (32-bit)
Paths: /opt/lam/gnu64/ and /opt/mpich/gnu32/

PathScale Suite is compatible with GNU compilers, so you may link them with MPI libraries which are compiled with them. For example,

pathf90 mpitest.f90 -I/opt/mpich/gnu64/include -L/opt/mpich/gnu64/lib/ -lmpich

Alternatively, both MPI libraries are now configured and compiled also for PathScale 64-bit environment and you may use similar init and mpi* compilation scripts. In both cases, the corresponding mpirun script may be used.

Parallel programs are recommended to be run as batch jobs, even test runs. Usage of SGE is described below.

MPICH-2 is installed under /opt/mpich2/, and similar compiler dependent subdirectories and scripts can be found for using it as for MPICH-1.2. However, MPICH-2 needs to initialize (mpdboot) and stop (mpdallexit) mpd deamons for each MPI job, and this is not tied to SGE configuration yet.

Mathematical libraries

ACML (AMD Core Math Library) 2.0 is located in /opt/acml/

Atlas (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) 3.5-12 is located in /usr/lib/

Both ACML and Atlas provide optimized BLAS and LAPACK libraries. ACML includes, in addition, FFT routines. The ACML library is specifically optimized for the AMD Opteron architecture and is recommended.

Examples of compilation and linking:
pgf77 dgetrf_example.f -O3 -fastsse -Bstatic -Mcache_align -lacml -L/opt/acml/pgi64/lib
g77 dgetrf_example.f -O3 -funroll-all-loops -msse -static -lacml -L/opt/acml/gnu64/lib

ACML is available in static and shared libraries. The one to be used is chosen either by compiler flags or explicitly.

The ACML documentation is available locally at /opt/acml/Doc and online.

Scalapack libraries are located in their respective MPI/compiler version directories, e.g., 64-bit GNU/MPICH in /opt/scalapack/mpich-gnu64/

Interactive execution

It's up to your local site's usage policy, whether you may do test runs, especially of a MPI program, interactively. The preferred method will be to use test queues of the batch system.

If interactive test usage is allowed, you can use mpirun directly, either to execute the code locally at the front node or non-locally at the compute nodes. Note that the first option consumes the front node's resources and the latter interferes with the batch systems scheduling. Thus, the following is discouraged and your local admins reserve the right to kill your job: First, run the correct init script (see above). In addition, for LAM/MPI you also need to issue the command 'lamboot', if lamd is not running. Then:

mpirun -np [number of cpus] -nolocal -machinefile [machinefile] [executable]

mpirun -np [number of cpus] [executable]

The machinefile is a list of the nodes used as a pool for your job.

NB. SGE offers a more refined way to run interactive test jobs, described below.

Submitting a job

The queue management is handled by Sun Grid Engine (SGE). All batch jobs and larger interactive jobs should be sent via the queuing mechanism. See more detailed instructions on how to use SGE on M-grid.

SGE Commands

qstat, qstat -f - Queue status

qsub [job script file] - Submit a job into the queue

qdel [job id] - Remove a job from the queue

qrsh - Executes a command interactively on a free slot.

SGE job script samples for both serial and MPI jobs can be found in the directory /home/samples. The following is an example of a SGE script for a 4-processor 64-bit MPICH job, compiled with PGI (f90).

#$ -N identifier-for-my-job
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -pe mpich 4
#$ -S /bin/bash

source /opt/mpich/mpich-pgi64.sh

echo "Got $NSLOTS processors."
echo "Machines:"
cat $TMPDIR/machines

mpirun -np $NSLOTS -machinefile $TMPDIR/machines /home/vsavolai/mpitest-exe

Parallel environments

Currently the following parallel environment (keyword for -pe) and the MPICH library should be used (for both 64- and 32-bit applications):

Interactive testing or debugging under SGE

If you want to test or debug an MPI program, it might not be nice to do it on the front node. In addition, for debugging you naturally want interactive control.

Here's how you can ask for an interactive session on a compute node via SGE:

This gives you a random node with low load. Note that you can debug also a program running more than 2 processes on a 2P node.

Copy the program to be tested or debugged (in latter case, compiled with the option -g) and all the files needed (input etc.) to a directory of your choice on the node. Generate also a machinefile here by (note that the number 4 in the following specifies that you will be able to run the code with 4 processes):
echo `hostname`":4" > machines

Run the desired init script normally:
source /opt/mpich/mpich-pgi64.sh

Run the code (in the following, through the ddd debugger via the option -dbg) using the machinefile just created:
mpirun -machinefile machines -np 4 -dbg=ddd the_full_path_and_name_of_your_exe  &

News, errata and changelog

Editing started based on a copy of the test cluster guide v. 31.5.2004.
pgf* + LAM/MPI combination is broken. Fixed.
pgf* + MPICH combination is broken. Fixed.
Link to the local SGE instructions added.
Info on PathScale Compiler Suite added.
Library and compiler flags added.
Info on MPI libraries and parallel environments modified.
PathScale info updated (v. 1.4 installed on kivi.csc.fi).
Instructions how to debug MPI programs added.
A few general and usage updates made, some based on Ivan's COMP pages, links added.
A recommendation to use the local disks and a comment on MPICH-2 added.
Documentation on compiler versions updated.
Documentation on MPI versions updated.
General information moved to a separate document.