Tehdyt toimenpiteet


Database indexing

Program nameDescription
dbiblast Index a BLAST database
dbifasta Index a fasta file database
dbiflat Index a flat file database
dbigcg Index a GCG formatted database
dbxcompress Compress an uncompressed dbx index
dbxedam Index the EDAM ontology using b+tree indices
dbxfasta Index a fasta file database using b+tree indices
dbxflat Index a flat file database using b+tree indices
dbxgcg Index a GCG formatted database using b+tree indices
dbxobo Index an obo ontology using b+tree indices
dbxreport Validate index and report internals for dbx databases
dbxresource Index a data resource catalogue using b+tree indices
dbxstat Dump statistics for dbx databases
dbxtax Index NCBI taxonomy using b+tree indices
dbxuncompress Uncompress a compressed dbx index